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Valley of the Kings: The Colossi of Memnon

On the way from Luxor to the Valley of the Kings is past the Colossi of Memnon, or what's left of it. For the test of time,  nile flood and salinization, as well as earthquakes and looting have been felt strongly in the seated Pharaonic figures of rock and the temple behind him.
Here, the giant colossi, the only one of the largest temples of Egypt stayed. The whole system is a city next to the temple of Karnak, which in turn connected by an avenue of sphinxes with the Temple of Luxor, the largest temples were built in Egypt.
The Colossi of Memnon was an image of the pharaoh Amenhotep III., who also owned Temple complex situation. Are almost 18 meters high and each were carved in stone. As the temple complex situation everything was built on land that was slightly lower Nile flood unfortunately not spared.
The two colossi of Memnon in Luxor before the Valley of the Kings are famous since ancient times. It is said that one of the two figures were every day at dawn, a long sound, crying. This meant that the Greeks believed Memnon called his mother Eos, the goddess of dawn, to welcome them.
Around 170 AD, the sound stopped apparently. It justified this by saying that the Roman emperor Septimius Severus was restored the statues. From the temple complex itself can be stored in carved stone stelae and some columns pedestal. For reasons known Reserve left When the results but not in the field, but they spent in the museums in Luxor and Cairo, where they are exposed to not wait for natural disasters and looting.


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