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TUI is reinventing it self once again

On holiday in 2011 is booming like a long time, but the Rewe Touristik, TUI Germany in Cologne and now a radical restructuring, loss of jobs. Thomas Cook had fired at the beginning of the economic crisis in the screw points. Shares of major operators that the pressure, despite the decline in economic good. The Crusaders, successful SMEs such as IVR and Schauinsland and a series of X-operators are kings lost market share package.

TUI is the industry leader in the creed issued by Volker Böttcher "margin on volume" tolerated for long. But now is not enough time here and there to save time. Böttcher must reset the device to achieve the performance target of three percent. The X-business, TUI has been underestimated for too long. Travel with hotels that offer other operators, produces the group simply too expensive. This level should be Böttcher now, with the help of started with some teething problems with new MNP. Bright spot, upscale hotel product, plans to expand the coopers strong. More than a travel agent might smile on the face of ever new creations as Sensimar and Puravida. But the concepts of the hotel, obviously touched a nerve of time, ensure that satisfied customers and higher margins.


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