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Ulaan baatar 2011, Mongolia (red Heroes of the North)

The city whose population is now almost reached one million people, situated in the heart of the city center of Mongolia. Located in northern Mongolia, a place at an altitude of 1310 meters of the river valley tuul, located at railroad crossings-Russian Siberia, and the path of the Trans China Railway crossings. The city was founded in 1639, as a movement of Buddhists (Bhudist).

This city is one of tourist destinations in this year, some interesting sights can be found there as

1. Gobi desert.
2. Gandan Monastery  
This monastery is one of several monasteries that exist in this city, part attracted frequently visited by local and foreign tourists. Open at 10:00 every morning. This monastery is one of the monastery who escaped from communist cleansing operations in the country in the 1930's.
3. Chojin lama Monastery
This temple is a museum featuring the history and civilization of Buddhism from the previous century. Has 5 fruits and 5 gate of the temple which curve. In place of the main temple there are statues chojin and a mummy, as well as coral mask made of 60,000 pieces of coral. in temples and temple yadam Amgalan, there is a rare artifacts and works of famous sculptor sculptor Mongolia from centuries ago. overall this place has a unique object 5000 and 200 rare items.

4.Natural History Museum
In this museum displays many historical natural objects, such as volcanic rocks, rocks, ancient minerals, fossils of animals and plants. This museum provides insight for the visitors about the origins of the formation of the earth, and geological structure over time.

5. National History Museum
The museum, Founded in 1924, with the intention of introducing the history and natural environment, palaeontologi, culture, and so on in this country.

6. Sukhbaatar Square
It is a great space in downtown with a statue of the hero of 1921, this place is also exhibiting sculptures sit Chingiz Kahn.

7. Bogd Kahn museum
Formerly this place is a former palace, also known as green palace, built between the years 1893-1903. many displayed in this museum of ancient historical objects relating to the history of Mongolia from the 17th century, ancient paintings and the clothes during the period of the kingdom in Mongolia.

8. Zaisal Memorial
It is a large monument featuring the histories Mongolia in the communist era. This historic monument is located near the hill. This place also offers an interesting panorama, because traveler can view the entire city from the hillside, and in this place there is also a giant Buddha statue.


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