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The host Danube in the Wachau region

The host Danube in the Wachau region is a hotel in white churches, which also includes a restaurant to do so. The family-run hotel offers relaxation, fun and delicious cuisine. The kitchen in the restaurant offers Donauwirt regional, seasonal and homemade specialties course. Depending on the season other delicacies are offered on the menu. The kitchen not only offers excellent dishes, but also homemade pastas.

Hotel in the white churches in the Wachau
The comfortable hotel rooms in the white churches invite you to relax. You can also enjoy a beautiful view rooms of the churches white landscape. Above all, as the guests sit in the beautiful garden. There, the big maple and chestnut trees provide much shade on hot summer days. Even the source and guests of the hotel. Especially popular with visitors is also a great breakfast buffet. It will include homemade apricot jam, homemade bread, fresh Laberl Wachau, fresh fruit, Saumaise Wachau, Wachau offers coffee, jam and tea. In the general store, many Donawirt-Wachau-specialties. These can be purchased at the reception or the restaurant. Can green lizard wine cooler, like buying distilled products, jam, shampoo, lip balm and hand, took the chocolate Wacha.

Sports holiday in the Wachau
The Donauwirt hotel-restaurant is the ideal starting point for sports in the Wachau. You can scroll along the Danube bike path, hiking, playing in the beautiful trails of the Wachau and golf courses around the white churches. In sport, in the Wachau region, beautiful scenery to be admired. In addition, a cruise on the Danube is recommended. In addition to a glass of wine on the boat you can relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Celebrate as they
Even for the celebration invited to the reception of the Danube. There are many birthday parties, weddings, Christmas parties and corporate events in the hotel restaurant Donauwirt. Rooms at the Hotel headquarters of the Danube in white churches, like the cozy dining room, great room, wine cellar, cozy and a nice garden and beautiful space for celebrations.


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